Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Family Pictures 2008

Well, we were finally able to get some family pictures taken while the leaves were still on the trees and the weather was nice. Saturday morning my friend from Beaumont came out to take some family pics for us and then I took some of the boys, etc. Some are a little dark and some are a bit bright. I can fix them up on photoshop but I don't have the time right now. Anyway, I will just put 4-5 on here but there are about 30 good ones, out of about 200. There are a lot more if you can replace one person's face in a couple, which I think you can do with photoshop too. So hard to get everyone to cooperate at the same time! Anyway, here are the good ones and you can go to and see the rest if you're my "friend"! Enjoy...

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I have some individual pics of the boys on my facebook album, although there aren't that many since by that point they were more than done! Oh well, there's always next year!!